County Durham Greens are supporting Consett residents in their battle to stop a waste-to-energy incinerator being built in the town.
The developers, Project Genesis Ltd, are currently Appealing the decision by Durham County Council to reject the proposal. The Appeal hearing began on 9th August.
Several County Durham Green Party Members joined residents for the opening of the hearing at County Hall.
Waste-to-energy incinerator plans are popping up all over the country.
The Green Party opposes them because:
- They do nothing to address the issue of waste – in fact there is strong evidence that recycling rates go down in areas where waste is incinerated.
- Their carbon emissions contribute to climate change and make it more difficult for the UK to achieve Net Zero by 2050. A tonne of carbon dioxide is emitted for every tonne of waste burned.
- They create toxic pollution – dioxins, NOx, and particulates – and reduce air quality.
Consett residents lived in the shadow of a polluting steel works for years until it closed in 1980 and are fighting to continue to enjoy the clean air they have been breathing for over 40 years.
Christine Thomas, who is leading the fight to stop the incinerator, says:
“This has been a long, hard fought battle so far and we very much welcome the support of The Green Party to our cause. The more voices raised against incinerators the better for all of us. Thank you.”
Once the Appeal hearing is over, the Inspector hearing the Appeal will make recommendations on the matter to the Secretary of State.