What a night for the Green Party! We now have four Green MPs to represent us at Westminster. This result is an incredible breakthrough for the Green Party and shows how much appetite there is for something different from the status quo. Many North East Green Party activists contributed to this success, both by travelling […]
Category: Elections
North East Mayoral Debate in Durham
All the candidates standing for North East Mayor, including the Green Party’s Andrew Gray, will be answering questions at a debate in St Chad’s College. If you are interested in having your question answered by the candidates, or you just want to hear what they have to say, you can attend by booking online with […]
The UK is turning Green
The Green Party is celebrating the best local election results in its history with more green councillors on more councils across the country than ever before. Voters across the country have made clear their hope for a Greener future after the Covid pandemic. The Greens have won a total of 155 seats and gained representation […]