Almost 800 people have joined the Green Party since the local elections

Graph of Green councillors from 1973 to 2023

The Green Party of England and Wales has attracted almost 800 new members since the 2023 local elections.

This year’s local elections saw the Green Party achieve its best ever results. The Greens gained 241 seats, breaking the previous record the party set in 2019.

There were no local elections in County Durham this year.

County Durham Green Party Co-ordinator Fiona Shenton said:

“Not only are people voting Green in increasing numbers but many now want to get more directly involved and help the Green Party become an even stronger force locally and nationally.

“People see this is an exciting time to join us as we gain positions of real influence on more councils and the prospect of electing more Green MPs at the next general election.”

The Green Party reached some major milestones in this year’s local elections, including taking majority control of a council for the first time. In Mid Suffolk, 24 out of the 34 councillors are now Greens.

Alongside this, the Greens became the largest party on a number of councils across England, including East Hertfordshire, East Suffolk, Lewes and Forest of Dean.

Closer to home, the number of Greens on Darlington Council jumped from two to seven and Greens are now the official opposition on South Tyneside Council.

The membership surge since the elections continues a trend that began at the start of the month, with almost 1,000 people joining the party since the start of May. In total, the Greens have seen 984 new members join in May.

If you want to be part of the movement towards a greener and fairer society, join here.

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