Green support for small business

County Durham Green Party is calling for measures to help the ‘backbone of our local economy’ green their operations and improve employee welfare

Ahead of Small Business Saturday on 4th December, County Durham Greens are calling on both national government and Durham County Council to implement a series of measures to help small and independent businesses and social enterprises green their operations, improve employee welfare and make it easier for people to ‘shop local’.

With Covid and online shopping having a devastating effect on our high streets, it is more important than ever to encourage small independent business to fill the void left by the disappearance of national chains.

County Durham Greens co-ordinator Rupert Friederichsen said:

“Small and independent businesses and enterprises are the backbone of our local economy. And as many large corporations decline and abandon our town/city, small businesses can help revitalise our High Streets.

“Local businesses and enterprises help bring diversity to our city/town, providing it with a distinctive and unique character. They are also vitally important in providing jobs and keeping money circulating in the local area.

“We know many small businesses are committed to becoming more sustainable and to improving the welfare of their employees, but it is often made difficult and expensive for them to do so. That’s why, this Small Business Saturday, we are calling on government, and our local council, to introduce a series of measures to support small businesses to do the right thing.”

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