Housing plans inadequate, say Greens

Plans to build 470 houses on former Green Belt land near Durham City have been branded woefully inadequate in addressing the climate emergency by County Durham Greens.

Members have submitted strong objections to the plans. A decision on the plans is listed for October.

Fiona Shenton, Coordinator of County Durham Greens, says:

“The plans put forward by the two housing companies involved, Barratt and Miller, have blatantly ignored the worsening climate emergency and are even weaker on mitigating this impact than the original outline planning proposal.

“We are asking Durham County Council to stick to its own planning policies, including its Climate Emergency Response Plan (CERP2), when it decides whether or not to approve the plans.

“To propose building new houses with gas boilers in a climate emergency when fossil fuel prices are likely to continue rising into the future shows a complete disregard or understanding for the crisis we are facing.

“The developers are also vague about commitments to meet the latest Building Regs Part L (on conservation of fuel and power) which came into force this summer. The plans also make no provision for public transport. They are car-centric.

“Sustainable and affordable energy is essential for future residents, so substantial amendments are needed to this lacklustre application.”

The proposed development is next to Bent House Lane just west of the A1(M) adjacent to Sherburn Road into Durham City. Our objection can be viewed on the Council’s planning portal here:
DM/22/01981/RM | Reserved matters application for 470 dwellings (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to DM/20/03558/OUT. | Land To The East Of Regents Court Sherburn Road Durham


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